Focus GTA-45 Series EPOS Till

GTA-45 Series 15inch
Solid aluminium casing
High quality components
Splash proof true flat screen

Original price was: £995.00.Current price is: £895.00.

Do you have an old terminal to trade in? *

- £100.00

Add EPOS Software (Including Configuration) *

+ £395.00
+ £495.00

Clerk Sign on Options

+ £40.00
+ £45.00
+ £40.00

Include Cash Drawer

+ £75.00
+ £60.00

Include Receipt Printer

+ £75.00
+ £99.00
+ £175.00
+ £195.00

Include Barcode Scanner *

+ £50.00
+ £95.00
+ £129.00

Include Scales *

+ £175.00
+ £225.00
Product price
Additional options total:
Order total:

GTA-45 Series EPOS Till