We understand that setting up a hospitality business can be costly, and till equipment is another cost you could do without. We want to make sure that our customers have a choice in how they pay for their hardware. All you need to do is fill in the form below for a free quote!

  • What industry/business
  • System Required
  • Requirements
  • Your business details
  • Contact Details
Business Type
What type of business are you?
System Required
What sort of system do you require? Please select "Complete EPOS System" if you need any hardware such as tills, terminals, scanners, barcode reader, receipt printers, etc.
No. of terminals
How many terminals will you require?
Tablet Solutions
Are you interested in tablet/iPad-based solutions?
Features and timing
What features do you require from your system?
How soon do you need the system?
Your business details
Your contact details









1. Full Terms and conditions of Everything EPOS trading as EPOS Rent can be viewed here

2. Our End User Licence Agreement can be downloaded here

3. GDPR, Security Policy together with Disclaimers can be downloaded here

4. On acceptance of your order, the deposit shall be taken including VAT at the applicable rate.

4. It is the hirer’s responsibility to ensure the equipment is maintained and returned in the same condition as it was dispatched. Once you return the equipment, an authorised engineer will inspect the equipment and a full refund of the deposit will be made less any applicable costs of repair/replacements.

5. The hirer is responsible at all times for ensuring timely payments to avoid default charges and prior to delivery a Direct Debit mandate shall be emailed to you which needs completing prior to dispatch.

6. The hirer holds Everything EPOS and its agents harmless against any defaults or claims arising out of the use of the equipment.



Couldn’t find what you are looking for?
write to us at

We automatically refund or discount your 13th Weeks rental by the value of the Setup as this is only included once you have had the systems for 12 weeks.

We will need to provide a quote which will take into account the rental period and we will need to run a Full Credit Check to complete the Lease Application, but assuming the Lease is accepted then we can provide this.

We ask you to first email and make contact so that we can reasonably try to address any issues. If we are unable to resolve the issues AND your hire period is within the first week AND we are happy this rental was not just for a very short term event (Single Day/Weekend Event) then we will usually provide a full refund on return of the equipment.

Simply send an email to us, this address is included on a copy of the rental agreement. You will then be asked to pack the system up and box it properly so as to ensure there is no damage in transit. Boxing the goods for return is entirely your responsibility and damages in transit are not covered by ourselves. Once the system has been returned, we will reimburse you with the payment method you used when initially taking your Rental.

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