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Adding an items to your menu is super simple you only have to program the items in once and in most cases they will automatically be added to the screen, orderpads and promotions if applicable.
E-Epos has complete control and reporting over your Shifts. You can have Daily Takings, Takings by Shift and with the powerful backoffice report on any combinations of Days/Months/Years or Shifts. You can even report on this period vs. another period.
We don’t believe you should have limits on the number of options you offer your clients. Every business is different and sometimes you need to be unique, So if you have a Full Breakfast with 40 options then no need to panic. You can even add all of these options in a single step…
Currently we offer connectivity with Xero, Quickbooks and Sage through our MyEpos Cloud Backoffice solution. We have a powerful set of API’s available so the system can communicate with other technologies as they become available.
Whilst we believe all reports are genuinely catered for, with a little knowledge of Crystal Reports, your reporting can be as flexible as you are. Many resellers offer customised reports so the world is your oyster.
Many systems will either insist on the payment being completed on the Day of the Sale, or make you cash off sales and record them separately. myEPOS will let you do either of these OR roll it into the next Day / Week as you decide in the management setup.
Control of Kitchen Printers is configurable on a per Till basis and you can even override printing so that a specific Order Printer doesn’t operate on a given terminal so for example Bar orders taken at the Bar don’t print at the Bar, yet from the other terminals all Drinks print to the bar.
Yes! E-EPOS knows that businesses frequently order from multiple suppliers to get the best deal. MyEPOS will maintain the margin or profit and loss based on where the particular stock comes from
E-EPOS has complete control and reporting over your Shifts. You can have Daily Takings, Takings by Shift and with the powerful backoffice report on any combinations of Days/Months/Years or Shifts. You can even report on this period vs another period
Please don’t hesitate to call even if it’s for a quick question, our team are on hand round the clock and are ready for new clients and ventures! We look forward to hearing from you.
6 Saint Peters Walk
Droitwich, Worcestershire
Or Call Us On 01905 790615